London: Day Two

Unfortunately, they don't call it a "business trip" for nothing. A lot of work got done today, leaving little time for play. Nevertheless, in my determination to see something I ventured out yet again.

This time it was Wellington Square (isn't Wellington the dude that has beef named after him? Who wouldn't want to have beef named after you?). I also made it to Kingsbridge, home of Harrod's department store, and back to Piccadilly for some Fish and Chips.


zrd222 said...
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Beth said...

I love the thought of going someday (I just have to figure out how to drug my husband enough that he does know he's getting on a plane but that I also wouldn't have to carry him) Maybe I'll go alone or maybe I'll just have to live it through your picture and stories, details I need details!!! Exciting but I bet your missing those two little ones huh.

The McClellan Family said...

Hey we are in town until the end of Aug. Let us know when you are down in Lacey. I lost my phone so call Chad's cell. Hope to see you soon!

Anonymous said...

I got so sick off Fish and Chips the last time I was there.