Snowed In in Washington

We just emerged from some of the most snow Western Washington has ever seen. At our house, we saw about eight consecutive days of on-and-off snow, and a little more than a foot of total accumulation. Relative to other parts of the country, that's nothing, but it's a big deal here in Western Washington. Especially considering the State is ill-equiped to deal with snow. That means no salt or plows.

What was best about the snowfall is it showed up just in time for Christmas, and left shortly after the holiday. I'm sure I don't speak for everyone, but for our family, it couldn't have been a more welcome addition to our Christmas - a Christmas miracle, you might say.

Here's what our house looked like on Christmas Eve:


Kelli said...

I loved every minute of the snow. We shoveled only one side of our driveway so we could drive in and out but the kids all sled on the other side and had a blast.

Steph said...

So do you guys still post or not? What is with the four month hiatus? Maybe you have a new one...