'Tis the Season

Another wonderful holiday season has come and gone. While each year seems to be more busy, and rush by more quickly, it was nonetheless a fun and unique experience.

This year saw a shift in focus for us as Jane is now able to somewhat understand the general concept of Christmas. By mid-December she had all the Christmas dialog down, and seemed most intrigued by snowmen, which she would loudly identify when sighting.

Within fifteen minutes on Christmas morning she had the routine mastered. We were impressed with the very workmanlike approach she took to opening the seemingly endless procession of gifts. Good thing, too -- with two sets of very loving and generous grandparents, we could have been opening gifts until March.

To our delight, her favorite gifts seemed to be the Cabbage Patch Dolls she received from her grandparents and the Curious George book we purchased for her.

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It's a Boy!

Today we went for an ultrasound and discovered Jane will have a baby brother come May. Our thoughts now turn to some of the great brother/sister combos for inspiration: Luke and Leia, Donny and Marie, Brandon and Brenda...

They're gonna be a great team.

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Let the Season Begin

On Tuesday, we kicked of the Christmas season with a healthy dose of snow and a Christmas tree. As tradition dictates, we cut our own tree in lue of completely selling out like everyone else we know and buying a fake tree.

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